Six Things on

Ventnor Botanic Garden

Ventnor Botanic Garden

Ventnor Botanic Garden is often called "Britain's hottest garden" due to the unusually warm climate it enjoys as a result of its sheltered position on the south coast of the Isle of Wight.

Hyde Park Pet Cemetery - a Victorian curiosity

Hyde Park Pet Cemetery - a Victorian curiosity

The Hyde Park pet cemetery is a disused burial ground for animals in London. Established in 1881 in the garden of Victoria Lodge, home of one of the park keepers, the cemetery became popular after the burial of a dog belonging to Sarah Fairbrother, wife of Prince George, Duke of Cambridge.

Thomas Cook - the man who launched a million trips

Thomas Cook - the man who launched a million trips

One of the most famous names in travel, Thomas Cook rose from very humble beginnings to become the English innovator who could be said to have invented modern tourism.

The first Thames Tunnel - an engineering triumph

The first Thames Tunnel - an engineering triumph

The pioneering Thames Tunnel connects Rotherithe and Wapping, underneath the River Thames in London. Built between 1825 and 1843 by father & son engineers Marc and Isambard Kingdom Brunel, it is the first tunnel known to have been successfully installed beneath a navigable river.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Originally bred as fighting dogs, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, or "Staffie" has a mixed reputation. Many regard them with suspicion as aggressive dogs, but owners testify to the Staffie's loving temperament as a family pet.

Britain's 'smallest police station'

Britain's 'smallest police station'

These days the police service has rationalised its police stations, and not been particularly concerned about its physical presence on the street. But in the past, the police were very keen to show their face right in the centre of things. Hence a tiny police building in Trafalgar Square.

Six things to delight and entertain you every day.