Six Things on

The Green Man, spirit of the woods

The Green Man, spirit of the woods

Glance upwards in many of Britain’s great cathedrals and churches and you may well catch sight of the Green Man looking down at you, with tree leaves curling from his mouth. After being a neglected part of Britain's folk history, the Green Man, and related festivals in his honour, had something of a revival in the 20th century, and many continue to this day, particularly around the time of May Day. But who, you may ask, is he?

The Kinder Mass Trespass and the right to roam

The Kinder Mass Trespass and the right to roam

It may seem surprising today, but it took over a century of campaigning to establish what became known as the 'right to roam', which gave ordinary people the chance to enjoy walks in the countryside on what would previously have been regarded as private land, to which access was denied. A key moment in this struggle was what became known as the Kinder Mass Trespass in Derbyshire in 1932.

The National Gas Museum - Leicester's powerful celebration of an industry

The National Gas Museum - Leicester's powerful celebration of an industry

A handsome brick building in Leicester is home to an unusual but significant museum. The National Gas Museum collects the artefacts and machinery associated with Britain's rich history of gas manufacture and supply.

The Scout Movement - British creation by Robert Baden-Powell

The Scout Movement - British creation by Robert Baden-Powell

The Scouts youth movement is a British invention, created in August 1907 by Robert Baden-Powell, a decorated soldier, talented artist and actor, who wanted to bring youngsters from different backgrounds together, with the opportunity to test their abilities and learn new skills.

Red Rum - a lame horse who became an equine superstar

Red Rum - a lame horse who became an equine superstar

Red Rum was a champion Thoroughbred steeplechaser. He is the only horse in the history of the Grand National to win the race three times and on the two occasions that he ran and did not win he came second.

Winston Churchill - an illustrious life

Winston Churchill - an illustrious life

Winston Churchill was a statesman, writer, orator and leader who led Britain to victory in the Second World War. He served as Conservative Prime Minister twice - from 1940 to 1945 (before being defeated in the 1945 general election) and from 1951 to 1955.

Six things to delight and entertain you every day.